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sse: Sample Size Estimation with R

In the planning of a clinical trial, calculating the sample size is a central step with far-reaching consequences. Evaluating different methods and comparing the sensitivity of the sample size with the assumptions is complex and time-consuming. This is where the R package sse: Sample Size Estimation steps in. sse allows you to calculate the sample size of your clinical research project for multiple scenarios. This framework for complex study designs allows statisticians and researchers to efficiently estimate the sample size using both existing power-calculation functions in R and resampling methods.

Sample size must be estimated early – sse prepares you for multiple scenarios

What it is:

sse is a R statistics package with flexible tools for calculating sample size and presenting the statistics that relate power, sample size, and the assumptions made.

What it can do:

sse allows you to calculate the sample size of your clinical research project for multiple scenarios. The package can evaluate user-defined power functions for a range of parameters and can draw a figure illustrating the relation between power, sample size and the assumptions made. It also provides a resampling procedure for semi-parametric sample size estimation and methods for adding information to dynamic reports using Sweave.

Who should use it:

This tool is for statisticians or principal investigators planning a clinical research project or testing its feasibility.

Who is behind this resource:

The code was developed by statisticians at the CTU Basel on behalf of the SCTO’s Statistics & Methodology Platform. It is one of the winning projects of the platform’s statistical programming grant from 2018.


For detailed instructions on how to use this tool, please read "The sse-Package: Commented Examples" by Thomas Fabbro (2019).

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The R statistics package sse: Sample Size Estimation is available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN).

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