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secuTrialR statistics package for efficient data management

It is vital that the interaction between data sources and data analysts is fast and seamless in order to avoid losing valuable time. Using secuTrialR leads to a pronounced reduction in the time needed for data management, enables swift quantitative analyses through pre-implemented functionalities, and, most importantly, standardises the interaction with data exports from secuTrial®, thus allowing robust and reproducible science.

secuTrialR: Seamless interaction with data collected in secuTrial®

What it is:

secuTrialR is an open-source R statistics software package that makes it easier to work with secuTrial®.

What it can do:

In addition to analysing and reading data, secuTrialR performs data transformation for dates, date times, and categorical data in order to reduce data preparation overhead and to allow a swift transition into the analytical phase. Furthermore, secuTrialR includes standard functionalities to show descriptive statistics such as study recruitment or completeness of entered data per case report form for secuTrial® data exports.

Who should use it:

secuTrialR is available for data analysts, data managers, and statisticians on GitHub, CRAN, and Anaconda Cloud. It should be functional on all major operating systems.

Who is behind this resource:

This software package was developed by the SCTO’s Data Management Platform and was first released in November 2020.


For detailed instructions, please visit the webpage.

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The released R statistics package secuTrialR is available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), GitHub, and Anaconda Cloud.

Before you download this document, we would appreciate you letting us know who you are.

Our templates and tools are free. As a publicly funded organisation, we strive to inform the public about the impact of our work and to continually improve our services. We therefore kindly ask you to leave us your email address so we can contact you with a short one-time survey. You may download the document without providing your personal data.

If you use and benefit from secuTrialR in your work, please cite it as: Wright, P. et al. (2020). secuTrialR: Seamless interaction with clinical trial databases in R. The Journal of Open Source Software 5(55): p. 2816.

Related resources

A paper on the development of secuTrialR was published in The Journal of Open Source Software:

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