The Safety Platform harmonised and refined its templates for investigator-initiated clinical trials (IICTs) that fall under the Swiss Ordinance on Clinical Trials (ClinO), the Swiss Ordinance on Clinical Trials with Medical Devices (ClinO-MD) and the Swiss Ordinance on Human Research with the Exception of Clinical Trials (HRO). Our templates use trial-specific terminology and provide sponsor-investigators and investigators with instructions and timelines.
For other clinical trials and HRO projects, our templates are applicable from case registration to notification to Ethics Committee(s). If you prefer, you can use the forms published on the swissethics’ website (i.e. Serious adverse events (SAE) according to ClinO Chapter 4 Other clinical trials, Notification of serious events (SE)).
For Clinical Trials on IMP, MD and IVD, our templates are applicable from case registration to reporting to sponsors. For reporting safety events to authorities in these studies, please refer to the specific forms and procedures required by Swissmedic (always check the Swissmedic website for the current version).