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Data sharing and open research data – details for HRO projects

For many researchers, storing and sharing health and patient data in a correct and safe way is a topic with many question marks. This session provides guidance on possibilities and common practices for data sharing in HRO projects, explains what contracts are needed when, and highlights key regulations when it comes to securely storing and sharing data. 

After a short presentation, there is plenty of time for you as researchers to ask questions.

This seminar session is part of a lunch seminar series, which offers brief overviews and room for questions on important topics related to observational studies (HRO projects). Find out more about the whole seminar series "Facts and pitfalls for observational studies - how to plan and conduct HRO projects" by following the link below.

About this session

Data storage, data sharing, and contracts around data and samples – many researchers are not sure about what to handle how. In collaboration with the Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN), this session highlights common practices, possibilities and must-knows, focusing on data storage and data sharing.

Find out more about the whole seminar series here: Facts and pitfalls for observational studies - How to plan and conduct HRO projects.

Content and speakers:


Specificities of data sharing in HRO projects:Regulatory background

  • Essential contracts
  • Possibilities and common practices
  • Practical examples


  • Claudia Saupper, Senior IT-Project Leader, DKF Basel
  • Dr. Julia Maurer, Team Leader - Ethical, Legal, Social Implications (ELSI) Team, SIB PHI
Who should attend:

The main focus groups are researchers and study teams with planned, ongoing or completed HRO projects (observational studies), who have questions about data sharing.


Wednesday, 13 November 2024, 12h00 – 13h00

Session materials

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All materials reflect the status quo as of the time of the seminar.

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